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The CSTJF houses laboratories specializing in petrophysics and complex recovery mechanisms, including Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Their mission: to provide reliable laboratory results, ultra-precise interpretation and expert recommendations.

Innovative techniques, detailed analyses

The “customers” of our in-house laboratories include third-party companies, operating companies, our affiliates and the R&D and Exploration departments.   Their business model? To differentiate themselves from external laboratories by providing data and information that is subjected to auditing and outstanding quality control. Researchers use proprietary "in-house" experimentation techniques to improve understanding of physicochemical mechanisms and optimize experimental modeling, including:

  • Monitoring by 2D & 3D X-ray imaging of three-phase scanning tests on rock samples.
  • Monitoring of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) fluid displacement tests.
  • Fluid monitoring under surface and reservoir conditions (650 bars and 150°C).
  • Ultra-fast measurements of resistivity indices (capacity to oppose the flow of electric current) and capillary pressure (pressure difference between the two sides of a curved interface separating two fluid media).
  • Permeability measurements (ability of a porous medium to be passed through by a fluid) in nanoporous rocks (Step Decay method).
  • Saturation measurements in unconventional rocks (MRsat and thermogravimetry).
  • Digital rock physics: microtomography and micromodels.


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