Becoming a TotalEnergies Foundation partner is not just about receiving financial support to set up or roll out a project. We also encourage our employees to give up to three working days per year to take part in solidarity missions via the Action! program. The Foundation can also provide support through online training courses such as "Making your digital transition successful: where to start?".
Partners selected in 2023
In 2023, out of the thirty or so applications submitted on the platform dedicated to the call for initiatives in favour of the education and professional integration of young people, 4 were shortlisted to pitch in front of a jury. The two winning JIMP'ACT associations receive financial support of up to €20,000 for 3 years, as well as support in implementing their project, and the expertise and mobilization of volunteer staff through the Action! program.
- Discover the winning associations with Presselib: La Fondation TotalEnergies avec Parcours Jeunes à Pau et l’UDAF 65 à Tarbes - PresseLib (in French)
Udaf 65
The Trav'ailleurs saisonniers project aims to help young people benefiting from international protection (BPI) access seasonal employment with the support of Udaf 65 and its partners, drawing on the expertise of its Maison du travail saisonnier and the mobilization of its network of professionals.

Parcours Jeunes
The association supports Pau's secondary school students by involving 130 volunteer tutors in higher education, to help them play an active role in their own success and career choices. The association brings them together and develops their skills, so that each can grow through contact with the other. Three types of assistance are offered to students: homework help, personalized tutoring, and career discovery.
Partners selected in 2022
Giving young people the means to fulfill their potential is at the heart of all the actions supported by TotalEnergies Foundation in France. The call for partners issued every year, is an opportunity for new associations to present their projects in the priority area of Education & Inclusion.
Drop De Béton
For young people aged 11-16, living in priority areas, the association organizes camps for open-air sports, educational success and citizenship, that significantly contribute to the youngsters’ inclusion and fulfillment.
Partners selected in 2021
In 2021, of the 21 applications that met the set criteria, six were shortlisted to give a pitch presentation to a jury. Three were then selected and they are now under a three-year sponsorship agreement with TotalEnergies Foundation as part of its action in support of the education and professional inclusion of young people aged 12-25. Find out about the winners of the 2021 call for TotalEnergies partners in South West France:
Pistes Solidaires
Take off, which offers an educational alternative to young people suffering from social and professional exclusion, through supervised work experience abroad, carried by Pistes Solidaires.
Lacq Odyssée
Science Odyssée, a project to create and develop a third place for young people devoted to science at the heart of the Saragosse quarter, proposed by Lacq Odyssée, a scientific, technical, and industrial culture center.
MJC Berlioz
A priori TV, Vous ne croirez pas ce qu’il se passe dans les quartiers, a local people’s media, produced by young people coached and trained by professionals, presented by the MJC Berlioz.
Partners selected in 2020
Find out about the winners of the 2020 call for TotalEnergies partners in South West France:
In Pau, AJIR supports the integration of migrant minors through apprenticeships thanks to its network of apprentice training centers (CFA) and local companies. In light of the crisis, the association wants to continue its administrative, educational and social support for young people, and to allow the most affected companies to secure the hiring of apprentices until they graduate.
Rebonds! educators often offer rugby activities in schools, after-school programs and specialized facilities in the Toulouse region. During these activities, they may identify certain young people who are in a vulnerable situation. The association then offers them integration into a rugby club and social follow-up to help them build their academic and professional orientation.