Our commitment to biodiversity
Take action now to preserve fauna and biodiversity
Fully aware of the environmental impact of its activities, TotalEnergies has incorporated the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into its environmental policy. With "Ambition Biodiversité", the Company has kicked off an ambitious and determined strategy that aims to both meet the highest environmental standards and play a proactive role in preserving all ecosystems. In keeping with this strategy, TotalEnergies researchers at the CSTJF in Pau are deploying proactive initiatives.
Innovative technologies for monitoring biodiversity
To successfully complete their preservation missions and enhance their knowledge, TotalEnergies researchers use a Monitoring Toolbox to perform large-scale inventories. It is particularly the case in the Béarn region, where the team from the CSTJF deploys an active watch by deploying new data collection technologies. The innovative systems include acoustic ecology which consists in studying the sounds produced by fauna, remote detection by drones, or the BEEcam, used to observe pollinator insects and the interactions with plants, like on the Manas site (in Ger, Pyrénées Atlantiques). In this former municipal dump site, the teams have also set camera traps to monitor semi-aquatic mammals, using an automatic capture system. Combined with artificial intelligence, these tools are used to analyze the sound and images captured in real time and identify any subtle changes in the ecosystems.
Since 2017, R&D teams also use environmental DNA (eDNA) to inventory species based on traces left in the environment. This innovative method, borrowed from medicine, has already proved its effectiveness, in particular in the analysis of marine sediments.
Lastly, in partnership with the Nouvelle Aquitaine French Natural Areas Conservatory (CEN) the CSTJF is developing new inventory protocols adapted to local natural environments. Alongside that, the researchers are investigating the deployment of mini onboard laboratories, with the aim of performing real-time analyses on field samples.
A true link between the Company’s strategic ambitions and reality in the field, the Jean Féger Scientific and Technical Center juxtaposes technology and ecology. Owing to its expertise in the field, the CSTJF also demonstrates that applied research can not only push back the boundaries of innovation, but also contribute to the preservation of all ecosystems.
"It is crucial to act now by developing agile methods to contribute to the collective effort to protect biodiversity, while deepening scientific knowledge."
Thomas Merzi, R&D biodiversity project lead at TotalEnergies – Jean Féger Scientific and Technical Center – CSTJF Pau