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Take action together and with TotalEnergies Foundation

Being a "local player" means building a strong, united relationship with our environment. At the local level, TotalEnergies is involved in a number of community-based initiatives in line with the TotalEnergies Foundation's four focus areas: road safety, education and youth integration, climate, coasts and oceans, and cultural dialogue and heritage.

Our intention is to collaborate with organizations that can provide concrete, effective, and locally tailored solutions. The projects and partners supported by the Pau Site are selected based on their alignment with the expertise, values, and priority areas of our Foundation. We pay special attention to initiatives aimed at youth, as sustainable development should not exclude the younger generation. Many employees from CSTJF and PERL are actively involved as volunteers in these community actions, such as the call for projects and the Action! program...

Discover some examples of our solidarity actions

Road safety

Volunteers trained in innovative teaching methods

Dialogue of cultures and heritage

"From here, it doesn't seem so far".

Education and integration of young people

Industreet, TotalEnergies's industry campus

Climate, Coastal Areas and Oceans

Environmental DNA revolutionizes biodiversity monitoring
In terms of philanthropy, we respond to requests from our local partners in line with these four areas of intervention, with a commitment to long-term support and a spirit of openness and dialogue.